Sound Bar

Home > VIRAL THEATRES > Exhibition > Sound Bar

The sound installation PANDEMIC VOICES collects the voices of theatre people and their experiences during the pandemic. It is a montage of excerpts from an interview series that Viral Theatres conducted with German and International theatre makers, performers, journalists, and scholars over the course of 2021.

Their combined responses offer a glance into their individual lockdown experiences, new working methods, specific theatre projects and future visions of what might be next for the cultural sector.

The Audio Area in the Exhibition

Participating artists

Florian Borchmeyer (Schaubühne Berlin), Abigail Browde (600 Highwaymen), Leonie Rae Gasson (multi-media artist), Darren Gobert (Duke University), Team at Gripstheater; Tobias Rausch (Bürgerbühne Dresden) Magda Romanska (metalab@Harvard), Alexis Soloski (NY Times Theatre critic), theatre collective Turbo Pascal, Cosmea Spelleken and Jonny Hoff (, Maja Zade (Schaubühne Berlin)

Sound Arrangement: Florian Thamer @2021


The Viral Theatres Research Project is a collaboration of the EXC2020 Temporal Communities at the Freie Universität Berlin, the EXC Matters of Activityas well as at Humboldt University Berlin & Bard College Berlin; the research project was generously funded by the VolkswagenFoundation. We also cooperated with the following partners for its final exhibition and symposium:, metalab@Harvard & FU Berlin.

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