Viral Theatres Exhibition

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This exhibition showcases the work of the practice research project Viral Theatres that creatively documents how theatre closures and the pandemic migration into the digital sphere lastingly affect theatrical work processes.

The exhibition opened at Tieranatomisches Theater in Berlin in April 2022 and ran until June 2022.

“Pandemic Past/Hybrid Futures“ explores the many ways that both state theatres and independent theatre makers in Germany and beyond responded to the challenge of the extended theatre closures during the pandemic, in five different sections: HOME OFFICE, HOME CINEMA, ARCHIVES OF THE FUTURE and SOUND BAR.

Stages, audiences, artistic practices, the public sphere itself: How do they become transformed when theatre in the pandemic turns into a space of standstill or disruption?

The Viral Theatres-Research Project and this exhibition were a collaboration of independent artists and researchers at the Free University, the Humboldt University and Bard College Berlin, generously funded by the VolkswagenFoundation and with additional support from metalab@Harvard and the Open Society University Network as well as


The exhibition went on to the Theatermuseum in Düsseldorf from September 2022 to January 2023. It was accompanied by a series of talks and roundtable discussions about recent developments in digital theatre. Below is a picture of the floorplan and the rooms that hosted it.

The Exhibition at the Theatermuseum Düsseldorf


The Viral Theatres Research Project is a collaboration of the EXC2020 Temporal Communities at the Freie Universität Berlin, the EXC Matters of Activityas well as at Humboldt University Berlin & Bard College Berlin; the research project was generously funded by the VolkswagenFoundation. We also cooperated with the following partners for its final exhibition and symposium:, metalab@Harvard & FU Berlin.

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